Hijacked Democracy. Global Threats and Self-Defence

We announce the launch of a new book. Democracia Secuestrada: Ameazas Globais e Autodefensa (Hijacked Democracy. Global Threats and Self-Defence) is a compilation of the texts developed by each and every one of the speakers at the conference of the same name, which took place in Vigo from 15 to 18 March 2023. Today’s world is characterised by a global […]

The Politics of Social Ecology. Libertarian Municipalism

Today we would like to introduce you to one of the titles recently published by 13 Editora: The Politics of Social Ecology. Libertarian Municipalism, by Janet Biehl. Throughout the text by Janet Biehl, a theorist of social ecology, we are introduced to the ideas of Murray Bookchin, one of the main figures of critical socio-political thought at the end of […]


On this occasion we want to dedicate this space to present another of 13 Editora’s publishing that came out last May 14th coinciding with the presentation of our publishing house. Alternativas al poder corporativo (Alternatives To Corporate Power), a work by Gonzalo Fernández Ortiz de Zárate. This work is a direct piece that analyzes in detail the current scope of […]

173 years since the Communist Manifesto

Today is an important date. On February 21, 1848 (date accepted by the majority of historians) the Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei (or Manifest of the Communist Party) was published, the work written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that would become one of the most important political, economic and sociological documents of all time. The influence of this writing of […]

We talked about books… It’s the fanzines’ turn!

Last December, the launch of 13 Editora through our websites and social networks served as an opportunity to present you the titles that 13 Editora has published so far. On that occasion, we talked to you about the first published title, the Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns, a work written in 2010 by the War Resisters’ International with the aim of […]

The History Behind the Printing Press

On this day 553 years ago, the death of Johannes Gutenberg took place in Mainz, the goldsmith who went down in history as the inventor of the modern movable type printing press (an invention, without a doubt, fundamental for the dissemination of knowledge). This fact caused that, five centuries later, the number of writers, readers, publishers, librarians, booksellers and lovers […]

The Multiple Faces of Anonymous

This week, we want to dedicate this news space to present one of the titles published by 13 Editora on December 10th. Now it is time for The Multiple Faces of Anonymous, by Gabriella Coleman. It seems difficult today to find someone who does not have in mind an image, more or less clear, when talking about Anonymous, or who […]

Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns

Today we want to dedicate this news space to the first of the books published by 13 Editora. This is the Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns. Written hand in hand by more than thirty specialists in nonviolence from around the world (all members of the War Resisters’ International), the work’s main goal is the transmission of practical and appropriate information to […]

The day has come… we launch 13 Editora!

As promised ten days ago, the virtual launch of 13 Editora will finally take place today. It will be an online event in which, in addition to getting to know the project, concerned people who consult our networks and our YouTube channel will know more about the titles already released by the publisher, the complementary editorial materials and the launches […]

The wait is over… countdown for the launching of 13 Editora!

A little over a month ago we published a post in which we promised that the expected launch of 13 Editora was already very close. Today we can say, finally, that the wait is over, and that the launch of this project has a specific date. Next Thursday, December 10, at 8:00 p.m., the virtual launch of 13 Editora will […]